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Want to know how much your business could sell for?

Find out the price for which you could sell your business. Fill out the form on this page for an obligation free business appraisal.

Our business appraisal will provide you with the estimated sale price value your business could be sold for in the current market. It will explain the process behind the calculation, and will provide you with the knowledge of how much your business is worth.

Fill in the form below to receive an appraisal for your business.

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How Much is My Business Worth?

Are you wondering, “how much is my business worth?”. Calculating the worth of your business is the first step to achieving a successful sale. Your business appraisal will detail exactly what your business is worth.

What The Appraisal Involves

When looking to sell your business, the first step is to determine an asking price. For most small to medium sized businesses, an appraisal can be provided with basic financial information. An appraisal takes into consideration factors such as:

  • Profits
  • Future profitability
  • Other particular and unique aspects of the business (trademarks, copyrights, etc.)

Setting a realistic asking price for the sale of your business is the first step to a successful sale. It is important to understand the reasoning behind logic behind the appraisal price.

Using the annual net profit, a selling price is derived using a particular multiple of the annual net profit.

Alternatively, a selling price can be derived by calculating the business’s net worth (total assets less total liabilities).

Comparison of your business to similar businesses can also assist in deriving a realistic estimated selling price.

This method considers the sale price of similar businesses that have been sold, as well as looking at the asking price similar businesses are currently offered for on the market.

Business Appraisal vs. Business Valuation

An appraisal is only intended as a guide for determining a sale price of your business. A business valuation is an in-depth analysis of the businesses value.

While an appraisal simply needs basic financial information to determine a reasonable asking price, a business valuation provides further detail and breakdown into the value of the business.

If you are wondering, “how much is my business worth?”, simply fill in the form on this page for a free appraisal.

Business Brokers Sydney.